Η αριστουργηματική εισαγωγή του A Trick Of The Tail, πρώτου άλμπουμ των Genesis με τον Phil Collins σε ρόλο front man. Και το άνοιγμα του δρόμου για μια καριέρα πέραν πάσης προσδοκίας, τόσο για τον τραγουδιστή / τοπ ντράμερ, όσο και για τη μπάντα που έμελλε, από δημιουργική άποψη, να συρρικνωθεί σταδιακά σε δορυφόρο του.
Ο Phil Collins συνυπογράφει με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη το κομμάτι που ακούμε. Γεννήθηκε αυτό το μήνα πριν από 74 χρόνια.
The brilliant introduction of A Trick Of Th Tail, Genesis’ first album with Phil Collins as front man. And the opening of a path for a career beyond expectation, both for the singer / top drummer, and the band that was destined to gradually shrink to a satellite of his, from a creative point of view.
Phil Collins co-wrote the song we hear along with the other members. He was born this month 74 years ago.

Holy Mother of God
You’ve got to go faster than that to get to the top
Dirty old mountain
All covered in smoke, she can turn you to stone
So you better start doing it right
Better start doing it ri-i-i-ight
You’re halfway up, and you’re halfway down
And the pack on your back is turning you around
Throw it away, you won’t need it up there
And remember
You don’t look back, whatever you do
Better start doing it ri-i-i-ight
On your left, and on your right
Crosses are green, and crosses are blue
Your friends didn’t make it through
Out of the night, and out of the dark
Into the fire, and into the fight
Well that’s the way the heroes go
Through a crack in Mother Earth
Blazing hot, the molten rock
Spills out over the land
And the lava’s the lover who licks your boots away-hey-hey!
If you don’t want to boil as well
B-B-Better start the dance
D-D-Do you want to dance with me?
You better start doing it right
The music’s playing, the notes are right
Put your left foot first and move into the light
The edge of this hill is the edge of the world
And if you’re going to cross you better start doing it right
Better start doing it ri-i-ight
You better start doing it rii-ight
Let the dance begin
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Yes lets get our Dance Steps right, before those cracks swallow us ALL up.. <3 xx
Thank you for the share Oannes xx
Thank you very much for this, Sue!
It’s not often you get to hear a nice bit of seven time. Even more rare to hear a piece with seven time at two different tempos throughout! What a cracking piece 🙂
One of my all-time favs! thank you Ken!