Και μια και ο λόγος περί κακοκαιρίας Genesis [!], ιδού και ένα θαλασσινό [όχι ακριβώς καλοκαιρινό] κομμάτι από την “βιβλική περίοδο” του γκρουπ, με χρονολογία 1972.
Οι στίχοι του αριστουργήματος από το
αφορούν σε μύθο σχετικό με τον “ταπεινό και ευσεβή” Κ[α]νούτο, Βίκινγκ Βασιλέα της Αγγλίας, Δανίας και Νορβηγίας.

Since the talk of the day is about the
Genesis storm [!], here is a “sea” piece [not exactly the summer kind] from the “biblical period” of the band, dated 1972.
The lyrics of this masterpiece from
Foxtrot refer to a myth related to the “humble and pious” Canute [Cnut], Viking King of England, Denmark and Norway.

The scattered pages of a book by the sea
Held by the sand, washed by the waves
A shadow forms cast by a cloud
Skimming by as eyes of the past
But the rising tide absorbs them, effortlessly claiming
They told of one who tired of all
Singing “Praise him, praise him”
“We heed not flatterers, ” he cried
“By our command, waters retreat
Show my power, halt at my feet”
But the cause was lost, now cold winds blow
Far from the north, overcast ranks advance
Fear of the storm accusing with rage and scorn
The waves surround the sinking throne
Singing “Crown him, crown him”
“Those who love our majesty,
Show themselves!”, all bent their knee
But he forced a smile even though his hopes
Lay dashed where offerings fell
Where they fell
“Nothing can my peace destroy
As long as none smile”
More opened ears and opened eyes
And soon they dared to laugh
See a little man with his face turning red
Though his story’s often told you can tell he’s dead

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1 Comment

  1. Resa June 11, 2022 at 9:06 pm

    This is great! I really missed out on this era of Genesis. I missed out on most of their music.


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