Υπάρχουν τρεις λόγοι για να θυμηθεί κανείς το τραγούδι του David Bowie από τα mid-’80s.
Πρώτα το συγκλονιστικά επίκαιρο των στίχων.
Μετά βέβαια, το βίντεο, το ζωντάνεμα εικόνων απ’ το μεταφυσικό σύμπαν του Τζιόρτζιο Ντε Κίρικο, τελείως …ξένο με την αισθητική του MTV.
Τελευταίος λόγος, παρά τη “σχετικά αδύναμη παραγωγή” – σύμφωνα με τον ίδιο τον DB – είναι η μουσική του τραγουδιού και, ιδίως, το σαγηνευτικό ρεφρέν.
There are three reasons for remembering David Bowie’s song from the mid-’80s.
First the amazingly relevant of the lyrics.
Secondly, the video, this animation of images from Giorgio De Chirico’s metaphysical universe, completely… foreign to MTV aesthetics.
And the final reason, despite the “relatively weak production” – according to DB himself – is the music of the song and, in particular, the seductive chorus.

Watching them come and go
The Templars and the Saracens
They’re traveling the holy land
Opening telegrams
Torture comes and torture goes
Knights who’d give you anything
They bear the cross of Coeur de Leon
Salvation for the mirror blind
But if you pray all your sins are hooked upon the sky
Pray and the heathen lie will disappear
Prayers they hide the saddest view
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
And your prayers they break the sky in two
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
Thinking of a different time
Palestine a modern problem
Bounty and your wealth in land
Terror in a best-laid plan
Watching them come and go
Tomorrows and the yesterdays
Christians and the unbelievers
Hanging by the cross and nail
But if you pray all your sins are hooked upon the sky
Pray and the heathen lie will disappear
Prayers they hide the saddest view
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
And your prayers they break the sky in two
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
You pray til the break of dawn
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
And you’ll believe you’re loving the alien
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
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