Ένα obscure classic από τα middle ‘80s, το “I Want You” των γεννητόρων του industrial Cabaret Voltaire.
Το ακούμε στην έκδοση του άλμπουμ
[The Covenant, The Sword And The Arm Of Lord, 1985] μαζί με το βίντεο και, με καλύτερο ήχο, στην εκτεταμένη βερσιόν.

An obscure classic from the middle ’80s.
“I Want You”, by the industrial pioneers Cabaret Voltaire.
We hear it in the album version [The Covenant, The Sword And The Arm Of Lord, 1985] along with the video and, with a better sound, in the extended version

Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What to do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What to do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
What they told you is not to be
But what you want comes naturally
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What you want: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What you do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Black them out, kill the lights
Hands are moving through the night
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What to do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What you do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What to do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Make some time here, fingers free,
Keep your hands on your chemistry
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What to do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What you do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Feel at night, seen at night
Watching it again, this potion here
Watch you doing it, explain it here
What they told you is not to be
But what you want comes naturally
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What you do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it
Freak yourself: shake it, shake it
Close the door: shake it, shake it
What you do: shake it, shake it
Just hit the floor: shake it, shake it

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