Μια μικρή τελετουργία, από τον κολοσιαίο gospel blues τραγουδιστή – κιθαρίστα και πηγή “έμπνευσης” των Led Zeppelin. Ακούμε δυο τραγούδια του Blind Willie Johnson, ηχογραφημένα στα τέλη των ’20s.
A short ritual by the colossal gospel blues singer – guitarist, and a source of “inspiration” for Led Zeppelin. We hear two
Blind Willie Johnson’s songs, recorded in the late ’20s.

Dark was the night, and cold the ground
On which the Lord was laid;
His sweat like drops of blood ran down;
In agony he prayed.
“Father, remove this bitter cup,
If such Thy sacred will;
If not, content to drink it up
Thy pleasure I fulfill.”
Go to the garden, sinner, see
Those precious drops that flow;
The heavy load He bore for thee;
For thee he lies so low.
Then learn of Him the cross to bear;
Thy Father’s will obey;
And when temptations press thee near,
Awake to watch and pray.

Now in the time of dying
I don’t want nobody to moan
All I want my friends to do
Come and fold my dying arms
Whoa Whoa well so I can die easy
Whoa Whoa well so I can die easy
Whoa Whoa well so I can die easy
Jesus gonna make up my dying bed
Meet me Jesus, meet me
Won’t you meet me in the middle of the air
And if these wings should fail me Lord
Won’t you meet me with another pair
Whoa whoa well won’t you meet me Jesus
Whoa whoa well won’t you meet me Jesus
Whoa whoa well won’t you meet me Jesus
Jesus gonna make up my dying bed
I’m goin’ on down to the river
Stick my sword up in the sand
Gonna shout my trouble’s over Lord
I’ve done made it to the Promised Land
Whoa whoa well I’ve done crossed over
Whoa whoa well I’ve done crossed over
Whoa whoa well I’ve done crossed over
Jesus gonna make up my dying bed
Ever since I been acquainted with Jesus
We haven’t been a minute apart
He placed a receiver in my hands
True religion in my heart
Whoa whoa well I can ring up my Jesus
Whoa whoa well I can ring up my Jesus
Whoa whoa well I can ring up Jesus
Jesus gonna make up my dying bed
Goin’ on down to the river
Stick my sword up in the sand
Gonna shout my trouble’s over
I’ve done made it to the Promised Land
Whoa whoa well I’ve done crossed over
Whoa whoa well I’ve done crossed over
Whoa whoa Jesus gonna make up my dying bed

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  1. Resa June 6, 2021 at 7:55 pm

    Sooooo good! I’m going to listen again… soon as I post this comment!

  2. Dale June 7, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    This is just soooo good!

    1. Oannes June 7, 2021 at 6:07 pm

      This guy gives me goosebumps every time I hear him, literally. Thank you Dale!

      1. Dale June 7, 2021 at 6:25 pm

        Oh yes. Me too!


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