Αυτή η είδηση [βλ, χτεσινό post] με τις εγκύους που δεν πάνε στις κλινικές να γεννήσουν απ’ το φόβο του κορωνοϊού …κάτι μου έχει κάνει. Νομίζω ότι αντιπροσωπεύει το άκρον άωτον της ανωμαλίας μέσα σε μια ούτως ή άλλως ανώμαλη κατάσταση.
Εν πάση περιπτώσει, θυμήθηκα αυτό το αριστουργηματάκι της
Bjork. Το “ον” ξεκίνησε να γράφει το τραγούδι στη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης της. Το ολοκλήρωσε λίγο μετά. Είναι στο άλμπουμ της Medulla του 2004.

Another little masterpiece by
Bjork. The “creature” started writing it during the time of her pregnancy. She finished it a little bit later. It’s on her 2004 Medulla album.

There is yet another one
That follows me where ever I go
And supports me
This tooth is warmth like
This tooth is warmth like
This tooth is warmth like
And these teeth are a ladder up to his mouth
These teeth are a ladder that I walk
That you can walk too if you want
If you want up to the mouth
The mouth’s cradle
Up to the mouth’s cradle
He always has a hope for me
Always sees me when nothin’ else and everyone have left can care
That ghost is brighter than anyone
And fulfills me with hope, those beams assure me
And you can use these teeth as a ladder
Up to the mouth’s cradle, the mouth’s cradle
And you can follow these notes I’m singing
Up to the mouth’s cradle, the mouth’s cradle
The simplicity of the ghost-like beast
The purity of what it wants and where it goes
Always love, always loves you, always loves you
Infrared love
And you can use these teeth as a ladder
Up to the mouth’s cradle, the mouth’s cradle
You can use these teeth follow my voice, tooth by tooth
Up to the mouth’s cradle, the mouth’s cradle
I need a shelter to build an altar away
From all Osamas and Bushes
I need a shelter to build an altar away
From all Osamas and Bushes

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  1. Resa December 5, 2020 at 11:47 pm

    She has a sweet voice. However, I never really got hooked.

    1. Oannes December 7, 2020 at 7:40 pm

      To be honest, Bjork is one of the cases that I “respect” more than I really enjoy / love. But there some exceptions to the rule and this is one of them. Thank you Resa!


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