Με αφορμή τα ευτράπελα της επικαιρότητας (βλ. Συνέδριο Δημοκρατικού Κόμματος που είναι εν εξελίξει) : Πώς με ένα πρωτόλειο πιάνο και τέσερεις φωνές φτιάχνεις ιστορία. Η stripped-down, live εκτέλεση των C,S,N & Y από το Four Way Street είναι σαφώς ανώτερη της στουντιακής του Graham Nash. Το τραγούδι ήταν εμπνευσμένο από τις διαδηλώσεις στη διάρκεια του συνεδρίου του Δημ. Κόμματος του 1968, και την δίκη των Chicago Eight που επακολούθησε…

On the occasion of current affairs (see Democratic National Convention, which is ongoing): How with an elementary piano and four voices you make history. The stripped-down, live C,S,N & Y performance from Four Way Street is definitely superior to Graham Nash’s studio one. The song was inspired by the protests during 1968’s DNC, and the trial of the Chicago Eight that followed…

Though your brother’s bound and gagged
And they’ve chained him to a chair
Won’t you please come to Chicago
Just to sing
In a land that’s known as freedom
How can such a thing be fair
Won’t you please come to Chicago
For the help that we can bring
We can change the world
Re-arrange the world
It’s dying … to get better
Politicians, sit yourselves down
There’s nothing for you here
Won’t you please come to Chicago
For a ride?
Don’t ask Jack to help you
‘Cause he’ll turn the other ear
Won’t you please come to Chicago
Or else join the other side?
We can change the world
Re-arrange the world
It’s dying, if you believe in justice
It’s dying, if you believe in freedom
It’s dying, let a man live his own life
It’s dying, rules and regulations, who needs them
Throw them out the door
Somehow people must be free
I hope the day comes soon
Won’t you please come to Chicago
Show your face?
From the bottom of the ocean
To the mountains on the moon
Won’t you please come to Chicago?
No one else can take your place
We can change the world
Re-arrage the world
It’s dying, if you believe in justice
It’s dying, and if you believe in freedom
It’s dying, let a man live his own life
It’s dying, rules and regulations, who needs them
Throw them out the door

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