BEETHOVEN : VIOLIN SONATA in A-dur, Op. 30 No. 1

Η υπόδειξη του LVB για το δεύτερο μέρος της σονάτας για βιολί και πιάνο σε λα μείζονα, είναι “molto espressivo”. Υποθέτω θα τον συγκινούσε η ακραία εκφραστική εκτέλεση των Gidon Kremer & Martha Argerich.
[Πάλι …πού ξέρεις;]

LBV’s indication for the second part of his sonata for violin and piano in la major, is “molto espressivo”. I suppose he would be moved by the ultimately expressive performance by Gidon Kremer & Martha Argerich.
[Again …how can you know?]

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  1. Steven McCabe December 14, 2023 at 4:58 pm

    Beethoven is full of surprises!

  2. Resa December 18, 2023 at 10:03 pm

    Lovely… and yes, how can one know?

    1. Oannes December 18, 2023 at 10:45 pm

      The guy was extremely unpredictable with an explosive personality which made him impossible to live with, especially the last years of his life. Deafness of course didn’t help.
      But it DID help in writing the transcendental music he wrote during these final years [wait till you hear his final string quartets…]

      1. Resa December 18, 2023 at 10:59 pm

        Okay! Love the strings and quartets!


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