Οι θρυλικοί Βρετανοί folk rockers συναρπάζουν στην τέταρτη δεκαετία της καριέρας τους – μοναδική εναπομείνασα από την original σύνθεση η κραταιά Maddy Prior. Τους ακούμε σε ένα ακόμα παραδοσιακό κομμάτι φαντασματικής φύσεως.

Legendary British
folk rockers fascinate well into the fourth decade of their career – the almighty Maddy Prior being the only remaining from the original line-up.
We hear them on another traditional song of ghostly nature.

Cold blows the wind o’er my true love
And cold blow the drops of rain
I never had… but one true love
In the Greenwood he lies slain
I’ll do as much for my true love
As any lover may
I’ll sit and weep all on his grave
A twelve-month and a day…
When twelve months and a day were done
A voice began to speak
“Who is it sits and weeps on my grave
And will not let me sleep?”
One kiss, one kiss of your sweet lips
One kiss is all I crave
Unless I have one kiss from your lips
No comfort shall I have…
“My lips are cold as clay, sweetheart
My breath is earthy strong
And had you one kiss from my cold lips
Your time would not be long”
Go home, go home to your father’s house
Sit with your friends at ease
For fierce is love that longs for
And leave my soul in peace

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