Περιγράφοντας το Foreverandevernomore, πρώτο άλμπουμ του εδώ και δυο δεκαετίες βασισμένο σε φωνητικές φόρμες, ο Eno μιλάει για “όχι ακριβώς τραγούδια, αλλά ηχοτοπία κατοικημένα από ανθρώπους”.
Διαλέγω δύο από αυτά, και ένα ινστρουμένταλ.

Foreverandevernomore, his first album in two decades based on vocal forms, Eno talks about “not exactly songs, but soundscapes inhabited by people”.
I pick two of them, and one instrumental.

00:00 Sherry 03:27 Inclusion 08:22 These Small Noises

On a long
Long ride to Bonn
Last light from an old sun
Soon the moon will rise again
Here, now
It’s all horizons
Hard to steer
These new stars
No clear lines to guide us
Always there
For the last hooray
Last light of an old sun

These small noises
All we died for
These small faces
All we saw
Take us
Take us
We are over
Make us
Make us
Into land
Land of soil
We owe our fathers
Olive tree line
Now no more
Go to Earth
Our hair on fire
Go to hell
In hell to burn

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1 Comment

  1. Resa October 30, 2022 at 11:56 pm

    I do appreciate Eno.
    I found this to be one of his more relaxing works.


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